Get Involved

Anyone can help the cause for wildlife conservation in Africa. The first and easiest way to get involved is to join our movement groups on Facebook. One only needs to have a passion for conservation and a desire to talk positively about African wildlife and its habitats.

Join the #WeShareAfrica Group

This is at the centre of the all-inclusive movement for wildlife and habitat conservation in Africa, acting as an umbrella for uniquely engaging initiatives.

Join the #SportForConservation Group

Here you will be part of the active movement that brings Sport and Conservation together through various events and platforms e.g. The
Conservation Games, Conservation Active.

If you love to record your sports stats you can also easily Join our Conservation Active Club on Strava and be a part of an active community that supports conservation every time they are out on the trail, track, field or in the water.


  • ZCA’s highest honour bestowed on significant contributors to the ZCA cause.
  • Usually have vast influence & a very powerful network, but importantly they also have immense passion for the cause & want to contribute significantly.
  • Potential patrons are selected by the founders of the ZCA & given a special invitation, which should they accept will make them an official ZCA patron.
  • ZCA patrons will be expected to represent the organisation in the public sphere & at the highest levels of society.


  • Deemed to be either an organisation or a significant individual donor that drives large scale funding & contributions towards the cause.
  • May choose to support ZCA for a continuous/specific period or a specific ZCA event/movement
  • ZCA will always work with sponsors to ensure creation of a win-win scenario

Frontline Hero

  • The people and organisations that are directly involved in conservation on the ground.
  • They drive hope, share results & have been selected & identified to benefit from the funds raised by ZCA.
  • Will be allowed to display the official ZCA branding in their collateral
  • Raise their profile & status as a verified & trusted conservation organization that is a partner of ZCA.

Travel Industry Partner

  • Tourism related establishments who partners with ZCA.
  • Travel industry partners already have significant reach into tourism marketplaces, have an existing supplier network that they can harness to help ZCA to perform its role, which is to source funding.
  • Uses the ZCA platforms to raise their own profiles as supporters of wildlife conservation.


  • Anyone who helps ZCA create awareness for wildlife + habitat conservation.
  • Uses own media channels & networks e.g. word-of-mouth, social media, email etc.
  • Uses of #weshareafrica & #sportforconservation movement hashtags in all their media.
  • Once established are allowed to use the official #weshareafrica & #sportforconservation logos.
  • Identify themselves as true supporters of conservation in Africa.


  • Give of their own personal time to help drive the ZCA cause.
  • They go one step further than influencers by volunteering to help the operational wheels of ZCA turn smoothly.
  • Will be recognised as official ZCA Ambassadors for the cause & personally
    qualify for a certificate acknowledging that they are an official ZCA cheerleader.
  • Cheerleaders that work in excess of 10hrs/week will have an additional special gift sent to them & will be listed in our ZCA donor list online.
  • Access to official ZCA branding.


  • Someone that decides to give some of their personal funds towards the cause for wildlife + habitat conservation in africa. (no minimum amount to donate).
  • Funds are donated using our ZCA payment platforms.
  • Qualify for a certificate acknowledging that they are an official ZCA donor.
  • Donors that give in excess of US$500 towards will have an additional special gift sent to them & will be listed in our ZCA donor list online.
  • Access to official ZCA branding.


  • Already have a large following e.g. celebrities, sports icons & media personalities.
  • In a strong position to immediately create significant awareness for ZCA cause.
  • Also poised to significantly attract influencers & donors to support ZCA.
  • Can use ZCA platforms to elevate their own statuses (e.g. the conservation) whilst supporting the ZCA cause.